Thursday, November 20, 2008

Morning Musing

Not being a slave to "the man", I have time in the morning to do pretty much whatever pleases me. Gererally, part of my morning routine involves a game of spider solitaire, zipping through new email, checking yahoo weather to see just how much colder it is here in Star than So. CA and lastly smiling at my grandson on my daughter-in -law's blog. Who would have known watching him grow via my computer could bring me such joy. I have actually met and held Brendan at his birth last July. I knew immediately that another piece of my heart would be staying with this precious little person.
God in His wisdom created us with a ferocious bond called family. It illustrates for me how important, strong, essential and necessary it is to be called God's child.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Soon you will get to hold him again! We can't wait for Christmas!